Wednesday, 17 December 2008


hey , I finished my commission for apple & snakes (council of arts of England ) , and as I am not in a contract anymore , I can show you all a few pages of the graphic novel I did for them. it was written by Kenny Baraka and some other great writers . The show was launched yesterday at the Albany theater and it went really well.
I couldn't make it to the show because I was trapped at Bermuda cutting out footage of Richard Hammon , ha ha you heard it right. Hope you like these pages : D I really enjoyed working on them !!

Monday, 15 December 2008

rain drops

hey there! today I am reviewing one the loveliest things I've ever seen.
I got my hands on one of the super cool looking rain drops from ladysnail .
There is a great range of faces you can choose from and has a little pin on the back so you can wear it on your coat. This little rain drop really puts a smile on my face . if you like hand made charms and cool unique things , then this is your stop. I say you go and visit ladysanail's shop and have a look at all the things she has there. I have one of her prints too and it is brilliant.
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