Thursday, 24 February 2011


MY ILLUSTRATIONS AND PANELS ON THE BBC! All pulled together with Kenny’s amazing performance and everyone’s hard work to get the rememberers on the go.

Monday, 14 February 2011

for the republic!

Hey, its been a while since I’ve done any fan art, so last night I felt inspired and did a bit of republic comandos. I like star wars and know my Jedis from my Siths but Im not an absolute expert, so if there are any mistakes in this , please bare in mind is my own version of what could be an encouraging republic poster. Thank you

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

The rememberers press night.

Finally! after months of hard work and planing, the press night and official launch of “The rememberers” Graphic novel / show was yesterday 7th of february, and it was really exciting to see the same characters I designed on stage and seeing all the props and propaganda posters from my saturday nights in front of my sketchbook. Kenny Baraka delivered a remarkable and outstanding performance which had me at the edge of my seat throughout the entire show. I was actually rooting for the main characters to win and defeat the evil corporation!

At the end we were given the a6 books with the background story of the main character with some beautiful words from Mr Baraka himself and my illustrations.

if you want to have a peek at some of the illustrations used in the show check mydeviantart account and I promise I will post some of them on my website soon!

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