Thursday, 16 October 2008

samurai droid ?

hey evryone!!..this is a new piece I ve been working on , for a couple of days's my submission to daydream no 5 ...which hopefully will be chosen to be published in this issue...
loads of experimentation with this one (it doesn't seem like tho ) .....
is called my passions, and has some of the things that rule my imagination ha ha..samurais,mechs ,soldiers, etc....

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

my hero of the artist that inspire me the most is Ashley wood. I love his style , his ideas and I wish I could buy all his toys.
so I decided to have a go with some acrylics on my sketchbook. my flatmate lent me his hand on this , as he is really good with traditional media and I have been spoiled by the digital media for way too long. this is the result and we both were very pleased about it . now we have 2 blank canvases waiting for us to go crazy on them : D

Sunday, 5 October 2008


A page of my sketchbook that made it to the scanner . I wanted to express Moments of tranquility with this sketch...little instants of time where nothing really matters (. _ . )

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


finally got around to finish up a bit of my summer animation. I left it sort of incomplete before but now is all good. I have access to faster computers at bermuda shorts , so that means I can render stuff in a blink .. : D This is a very random piece, because during the stage of storyboard and planing , this was meant to be for an Mtv short.
all feedback is welcome as usual..thnx.
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